January 2025 University Catalog with April Addendum

University Policy

Capella University policies apply to all Capella learners.

Learners are responsible for understanding and following the most current version of all Capella University policies.

University Policy 2.01.01 Admission

Applicants to Capella University must meet the program-specific admission requirements outlined on this policy and its procedures. The process for application, admission review and evaluation, and other related admission topics are also outlined within the procedures.   

For more information, visit the Admission Components page.

University Policy 2.02.02 Course Registration

Course Registration provides directions, guidelines, responsibilities, and accountabilities associated with course registration-related activities. This policy and its procedures also support enrollment status and participation requirements.

University Policy 2.02.10 Separation from the University

Learners may be separated from Capella University through discontinuation, administrative withdrawal, suspension, or dismissal. Separations may result from learner choice, administrative reasons, or violations of university policy. The specific procedures and conditions for separation are described in each relevant policy, as referenced in the procedure section of this policy.  

University Policy 3.01.04 Academic Standing

Capella University requires all learners to maintain good academic standing. This policy outlines the standards and procedures for maintaining and evaluating academic standing. 

University Policy 3.01.05 Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal regulations require that all learners who receive financial aid maintain financial aid satisfactory academic progress (FASAP). This policy outlines the requirements and procedures for evaluating financial aid eligibility based on FASAP and the total number of attempted credits or program points.

University Policy 3.04.07 Grading 

Grades or competency evaluations are awarded for all courses taken at Capella University. As a competency-based educational institution, Capella University expects the grade to reflect the degree to which the learner has demonstrated the specific competencies taught and assessed within a course. This policy and its procedures outline the grading scheme used for the evaluation of competencies. 

University Policy 3.04.11 Transfer Credit and Credit for Prior Learning

Capella University recognizes relevant external learning that may be acceptable for credit toward a Capella degree or certificate program, including academic credit earned at other accredited institutions, credit based on nationally recognized examination programs, and credit based on prior learning. This policy outlines the standards and processes for the evaluation of transfer credit and credit for prior learning.

University Policy 4.02.03 Learner Grievance

Capella University strives to provide learners with a positive, collaborative, and healthy approach to solving grievances with faculty, staff, and administration members. The purpose of this policy is to define the process for the internal resolution of problems, complaints, and grievances at Capella University.

University Policy 4.03.01 Tuition and Fees

The purpose of the Tuition and Fees policy is to name those groups or individuals within the university who have the authority to determine tuition and fees and the manner in which they are charged for courses, residencies, admission, transcripts, prior learning assessment petition review, and graduation. Tuition and fees are listed in the tuition and fees schedule published in Capella’s University Catalog and on the university website.  

University Policy 4.03.02 Tuition and Fee Refunds

The purpose of the Tuition and Fee Refunds policy is to clearly state how and when tuition refunds are granted.

See the full list of Capella University Policies below.




1.01.01 Mission Statement and Educational Philosophy
1.01.02 University Governance
1.01.04 Development and Compliance
1.01.05 Policy Exceptions
1.01.08 Course Numbering
1.01.09 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
1.01.10 Academic Freedom

Academic Administration


2.01.01 Admission
2.01.02 Maximum Time to Degree Completion

Enrollment and Registration

2.02.01 Academic Year
2.02.02 Course Registration
2.02.03 Concurrent Program Enrollments
2.02.07 Changing Academic Program
2.02.08 Leave of Absence
2.02.10 Separation from the University
2.02.11 Background Checks
2.02.12 Military Leave

Academic Affairs

Academic Standards

3.01.01 Academic Integrity and Honesty
3.01.03 Academic Recognition
3.01.04 Academic Standing
3.01.05 Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress
3.01.08 Academic Degree and Certificate Requirements
3.01.09 Degree and Certificate Conferral
3.01.10 Advanced Doctoral Learners


3.02.01 Program and Course Development
3.02.05 Non-credit Continuing Education Offerings
3.02.06 Academic Quality and Effectiveness


3.03.01 Human Research Protections
3.03.02 Publication of Dissertations
3.03.03 Use of Confidential Information
3.03.04 Intellectual Property, Curriculum
3.03.05 Conflict of Interest in Research
3.03.06 Research Misconduct

Assessment, Credits, Grading

3.04.01 Academic Readiness
3.04.04 Application of Capella Credits
3.04.05 Attendance at Residencies
3.04.06 Access to Learning Resources
3.04.07 Grading
3.04.08 Incomplete Grades
3.04.09 Appealing a Grade
3.04.11 Transfer Credit and Credit for Prior Learning

Learner Affairs

Records and Documents

4.01.01 FERPA and Learner Directory Information
4.01.02 Retention of Learner Records and Work Products
4.01.04 University Catalog
4.01.05 Posthumous Recognition
4.01.06 Official Learner Name of Record
4.01.07 Honorary Degrees

Rights and Responsibilities

4.02.01 Learner Disability Accommodations
4.02.02 Learner Code of Conduct
4.02.03 Learner Grievance
4.02.04 Discrimination, Harassment, and Assault
4.02.05 Drugs and Alcohol
4.02.09 Sexual Harassment

Tuition and Fees

4.03.01 Tuition and Fees
4.03.02 Tuition and Fee Refunds

Academic Services

4.04.01 Interlibrary Loan
4.04.02 Licensure
4.04.03 Honor Societies and Professional Organizations

Faculty Affairs

5.01.01 Selection of Faculty Members
5.01.03 Faculty Appointments of Capella University Graduates
5.01.04 Faculty Orientation and Onboarding, Professional Development, and Performance Management
5.01.05 Sufficient Number of Full-Time Faculty
5.01.06 Faculty Workloads
5.01.07 Emeriti Faculty and Staff Status