January 2025 University Catalog

Access to Learning Resources

Capella University recognizes the need to provide limited access to the online courseroom, Campus, the Capella University Library, and other Capella University learning resources to persons other than Capella learners, alumni, faculty, and staff, as described below.

Courseroom Access

For regulatory, accreditation, and other purposes, the courseroom may be accessed and observed by persons other than Capella learners, faculty, and staff. Access to the courseroom will be authorized by the chief academic officer only after the review of such a request and the determination that access is necessary and appropriate, does not infringe on the activities of learners and faculty, and does not threaten the academic integrity of the courseroom. Although the courseroom is not open to public access upon demand, it is not a private or confidential domain; neither learners nor faculty should assume privacy within the courseroom.

Library and Campus Access

For regulatory, accreditation, and other purposes, access to the Campus, Capella University Library, and other Capella learning resources may be granted to persons other than Capella learners, alumni, faculty, and staff. Access to these resources will be authorized by the chief academic officer only after the review of such a request and the determination that access is necessary and appropriate and does not threaten the integrity of the university.