January 2025 University Catalog with April Addendum

ADD6431 Addiction Studies Internship

This course is an online-directed, supervised internship during which learners fulfill the minimum of 300 total required contact hours. Of the 300 total hours, learners must provide direct services in an addiction-related setting for at least 120 hours. Learners must also complete 10 hours of face-to-face contact with site supervisors. This internship provides learners with specific clinical skills in interviewing, assessment, intervention, documentation, and consultation in a site-based learning setting relevant to addiction treatment. Grading for this course is S/NS. It is the learner's responsibility to research and comply with the specific clinical experience requirements of their states. May be repeated for credit. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer.




COUN-R5861 with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.