January 2025 University Catalog with April Addendum

SWK3200 BSW Practice- Micro

Learners in this course engage in a dynamic synchronous and asynchronous online hybrid experience integrating live video generalist practice experiences with faculty and learners in a virtual learning community to guide them as they gain the skills necessary to integrate social work best practices, methods, and theories into their work as generalist practitioners. Learners build the knowledge, values, and best practice skills required for generalist social work practice. Learners demonstrate their ability to utilize technology, leadership, and evaluation-of-practice techniques by leveraging a strengths-based perspective and problem solving processes. Finally, learners identify how to appropriately and effectively improve the well-being of others while mitigating adverse environmental conditions. For BSW learners only. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning.




SWK2002, SWK2200, SWK2208, SWK2400, completion of or concurrent registration in SWK3208.