January 2025 University Catalog with April Addendum

ED5546 Curriculum and Instruction Practicum for Master's Learners

This course serves as the capstone course for the Curriculum and Instruction specialization and constitutes the last course in the Curriculum and Instruction master's program. The purpose of this capstone course is to consolidate and link content and concepts from various courses in the Curriculum and Instruction specialization. Learners serve 45 practicum hours in a site-based setting, demonstrating their proficiency by designing a project which incorporates the five course competencies. Throughout the course, learners maintain a reflection journal and activity log to document progress and challenges in their practicum. Learners also populate and organize their Professional Showcase Portfolio. For MS Curriculum and Instruction learners only. Grading for this course is S/NS. This course requires access to a P-12 classroom and/or educational stakeholders in a P-12 school or district. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning.




A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and the completion, submission, and approval of a practicum application. Please refer to practicum and internship Campus resource pages for information regarding application due dates and site and supervisor guidelines. ED5006 or RSCH7860; ED5010; ED5500 or EDT5130; ED5501; ED5503; ED5504; ED5533; ED5538; EDT5126; EDT5142